Sunday, February 24, 2019

Catching up on Creations

I've been quite delinquent in posting here the last few weeks!  I went out of town for a weekend and lost track of posting...

That doesn't mean, however, that I haven't been creating! I'll post a series of entries over the next few days highlighting the creations I've made since Feb 5 when I last posted.  This challenge hasn't turned out how I expected it to, but it's still working its magic for me.  I assumed I'd ceate a substantial pastel painting a day and would post that, telling the story of the scene from Iceland or the James River in each post.

Instead, I've gotten curious!  I have let myself wander and discover and try things out.  I've drawn and painted and collaged and tried new things I'd never done before.  I've worked with landscapes, as I expected to do, but I've also returned to the human figure - to female nudes, the first imagery I created way back when!

Having this goal of 100 Creations in 100 Days serves to get me into the studio when I might otherwise decide I don't have time since I only have 2 hours.  It's easier to watch a TV show or two.

A few of my friends have decided to set a goal of getting into their studios for an hour a day for 100 days and they are meeting with success as well.  It's fun hearing their excitement at building up a daily practice, and it's validating to hear their challenges as they certainly echo my own.

Have you ever set a goal like this for yourself? How did you fare? Would you do it again? What might you hope to get out of it?  I'd love to hear your experiences.

In the studio on a warm winter day with our cat Nube checking out the goings ons outside.

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