Monday, February 4, 2019

#33 of 100 Creations in 100 Days: Orange

9"x6", unframed
$150 until 2/11/19, then $275 unframed

Drawing fruits and veggies is one of my favorite relaxing things to draw in pastels.  I spent a couple of years doing color studies and fruits to improve my skills at color and observation.  It's one of the lessons I teach in Introduction to Pastels at VisArts here in Richmond, and it's always fun seeing how the students learn to create volume and form, but also convincing light and shadow (complementary colors in the shadow are the trick!)

Today I got to teach a private student how to draw an orange so I got my Creation almost finished as my demo then flew back into the studio to finish it up after she left! 

If you're interested in purchasing this or any other work you see here, please contact me at, and I'll be glad to facilitate your purchase!

It has now been almost a month since I began the 100 Creations in 100 Days challenge for myself.  I haven't managed to create a piece every day, but this challenge is helping me see that I do make a lot of art!  I've averaged more than a piece a day.

When I began this challenge, I'd thought I'd paint a large pastel painting each day, but I quickly found that simply isn't possible.  I don't always have the number of hours necessary to begin and complete an 18"x24" painting!  They take a lot of time!   And there are so many things I like to explore, having to focus on a pastel painting every day would crimp my style!  Sometimes I like to explore in my Visual Journal, or do Zentangles, or make an art book, or practice watercolors - the list is endless.  I have allowed myself to explore and enjoy this process, trying new things and old.  It doesn't seem to have captured the fancy of other folks so much, but it is having he intended affect on me - it's making me get into the studio and make stuff virtually every day.  It's keeping me focused when I'm in there rather than distracting myself quite so much. And I am getting large scale paintings done also! 

I also have several friends who've joined me in their own challenge - An Hour a Day in the Studio for 100 Days.  We have a private FB page where we share each day what we've done and encourage each other to keep the challenge going.  It's a lovely group and I love having the company!

I hope you manage to create something fun today too!

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