Friday, April 12, 2019

#85 - #86: Sometimes it works; sometimes it doesn't. Oh well!

This happened on a whim. A friend had some cheap liquid white acrylic paint. I was curious to learn what its coverage was like, so I painted with it on black paper in my journal. I really enjoy how the paint ran out unevenly towards the end of the paper.

I decided to play with the image so I did it again in red on white paper. The paper was unevenly cut and had some kind of stain on it. I changed the composition by playing with adding more lines. I've decided I prefer the black and white composition, but I can't learn what I like and can't expand my horizons if I don't try new things! My motto in working in my visual journal is "I wonder what would happen if I...?" That allows me to do whatever comes in my mind. In fact, that's a requirement! Sometimes the results are wonderful. Othertimes, they're questionable, but the process is always something I'm grateful for.

#86 cropped

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